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Forum International Neural Therapy & Functional Myodiagnosis – Anmeldung & Programm

4. – 6. Oktober 2024 / Wien

Anmeldung – Bitte hier klicken!

Programm – Bitte hier klicken!


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are very pleased to invite you to our Forum International Neural Therapy & Functional Myodiagnosis from October 4 – 6, 2024.

For the very first time we are organizing this forum in cooperation with the Society of Functional Myodiagnosis. The professional synergies and collegial exchanges were an inspiration for the entire congress planning.

We were able to invite very interesting and highly qualified speakers from all over Europe. The program speaks for itself.

Come and join us! An event is alive with its participants. Let’s make this congress a real forum, a place for exchange and discussion.

We have organized an inspiring program, chosen an appealing setting and hope to meet many of you.

The congress language will be English. But we would be highly pleased to hear you speaking in your mother tongue during the breaks.

Let us quote Einstein: “ If people would only talk about what they understood, Earth would be a very quiet place.“

So chat, laugh, enjoy.

We are looking forward to your participation in Vienna.